ATTENTION City of Chicago residents and homeowners. The Shared Cost Sidewalk Program will start enrollment January 8, 2019.
What is it? This program allows homeowners to share the cost of sidewalk repair with the city.
Why should I participate?
The approximate cost to a property owner of an average mid-block property will range from $600 to $1,500. Those prices are significantly below what a private contractor would charge.
How do I sign up? Get started online, here. Or you can call the city or your Alderman, directly. Find your Alderman, here. Some Alderman will even let you sign up early through their office so it’s worth the phone call. YOU MUST CALL FIRST THING IN THE MORNING ON JANUARY 13 AS THE PROGRAM IS ONLY OPEN FOR ONE DAY AND IS ON A FIRST-COME FIRST-SERVED BASIS AND USUALLY RUNS OUT OF MONEY BEFORE THE END OF THE DAY.
What if I did this program in 2017? Even though you might have participated in this program last year or any previous years, you will need to re-apply.
For more information: