While there are a lot of things to love about living in Chicago, one of the things we don’t love is the number of pests in the city from ants to bed bugs, mice, rats and more. A few tips for keeping these creatures at bay:
In 2014, Orkin named Chicago the ‘Rattiest‘ City in America. It’s true, there is a huge rodent problem here in the city. It’s also true that we aren’t helping the problem as we’re keeping these rodents alive. We’re sloppy with our garbage. If we cut off their food source, they can’t breed. One of the most effective ways to combat rodents is containerization. Here’s what you can do to combat this problem:
- Use heavy duty plastic carts with a tight fitting lid to store your garbage. Get one of these plastic carts, here.
- Don’t overfill your garbage and recycling carts. Make sure the lids close tightly every time you add something to the bin.
- Rodents don’t just feed on human food. They feed on pet food, dog feces, and plants. Be sure to place these items in your heavy duty garbage carts as well.
- Hire a company such as Chem-Wise Pest Management and have them bait the exterior of your condo building or home before you have a problem with either mice or rats. We have this done 3x per year at our own home and all of our investment properties, just to be safe.
- Report your problem to the City and ask them to put bait stations in your alleys and gangways. The City of Chicago is doing all they can to control the rodent issue. They are willing to help so don’t be afraid to call them!
Bed Bugs
If you haven’t heard, Chicago has once also topped Orkin’s List of Bed Bug Cities. Gross! If you’re moving into a new place, here are a few tips for preventing bed bugs from getting in:
- Don’t pick up abandoned free furniture on the streets of Chicago. While the couch may be beautiful you’re just asking for trouble.
- When traveling, don’t put your luggage near the hotel room bed, wash all of your clothes in hot water as soon as you get home, and consider storing your luggage in a storage unit or garage area.
- Use bed bug proof mattress and box spring covers –the kind used for dust mite control–and put duct tape over the zippers.
So what happens if you find out you have bed bugs? Try some of these tips:
- Clean and get rid of clutter, especially in your bedroom.
- Move your bed away from walls or furniture.
- Vacuum molding, windows and floors every day. Vacuum sides and seams of mattresses, box springs and furniture. Empty the vacuum or the bag immediately and dispose of outside in a sealed container or bag.
- Wash sheets, pillow cases, blankets and bed skirts and put them in a hot dryer for at least 30 minutes.
- Seal cracks and crevices and any openings where pipes or wires come into the home.
- Hire an expert such as Orkin to help you permanently get rid of the critters.
Need help with pest control? These are my favorite companies:
- Chem-Wise Pest Management – (708) 777-1910 (they use all Eco friendly products!)
- Orkin – (877) 250-1652
- Pest Control Chicagoland –