Decluttering your home before you put it on the market is a MUST, but often sellers are unsure exactly what should be decluttered. Below are our top decluttering tips. We're also happy to come in person and walk through your home then send you a list of exactly what should be decluttered for your particular home:
- Start small. Tackle your storage spaces first. Think closets and cabinets. Purge items you don't need, organize the utensil drawer, clean out the junk drawer. Believe it or not, prospective homebuyers want to see how much space is in those spaces to accommodate their belongings.
- Pack up unused items. For instance, If you plan to sell before Christmas and won't be decorating for the holidays, pack those items up and store them neatly away in moving boxes. They will be ready to be moved to your new house and will be out of the way during your home sale.
- Think about renting a storage unit. If you have a lot of furniture that you cannot part with bring those items to a storage unit. Getting rid of items helps make rooms look much more spacious.
- Downsize your cosmetics and personal items that are out in the open. You still need your shampoo and conditioner, bath loofah and toothbrush, but for the sake of pictures and showings have a caddy that is easily movable from these areas which can be stored under your bathroom sink during showings. Prospective buyers want to see lots of counter space and a shower that has plenty of space for THEIR 12 bottles of shampoo; not yours.
- Countertops - these should be clear of almost all items. It's okay to have 3-4 items on kitchen counters like the coffee maker, knife block, etc but try not to have more than 4 items. Keep dressers, end tables and coffee tables completely clear of items on the top. Also hide all trash cans in closets or under the sink.
- Dumpzones (yes we all have them). Find a way to make that space clean and functional or simply hide those items in a drawer. Take your spare keys and put them in a safe and not on the key rack so someone doesn't steal them during an open house. Hang up extra coats or sweaters in each person's closet and take extra shoes to a shoe rack in a coat closet. You don't want piles of coats and shoes by your front or back door as that immediately shows you don't have enough storage space.
- Toys - this is a hard one for those of us with kids. If you have a playroom the best way to manage this is by having labeled bins and putting away as many toys as possible. It's fine to keep a few toys out, but they should be orderly and not overwhelming. There's no shame in shoving a box of toys into the car trunk before a showing or the bottom of a closet.
- Garage - another doozy. Outside toys, yard tools, etc - it's all in there. Do your best to make peace with the chaos and label sort and CLEAN this area. Typically a car should go in here, so if you cannot fit a car, make that your goal.
- Basement - they tend to be another sore spot like the garage. Do your best to put things in order. While you are down there note any leaks, smells, or strange issues and get those repaired. Try to keep storage items on the walls of the room rather than middle so people can walk through and make sure there's a clear patch to mechanicals, electrical panels, etc. as the inspector will need to access those items for the inspection.
- Office space - make this space show worthy. No bills or papers on the desk, no dusty monitors, and the book shelf should be in order and dusted. Set the room up to look bigger by pulling out oversized furniture and putting it in storage or another room.
- Have matching throw pillows on the couches, beds, etc rather than an assortment of lots of mismatched pillows.
- Take down most of your personal photos as well as art that may be offensive to buyers.
Whenever you think you're done decluttering go through your home and snap photos on your cell phone then look at them from the perspective of a buyer. Your home should look like a hotel room or a home in a magazine. Overall you want it to be very bare and clear of items. We know the process can be overwhelming so take your time and just focus on one room at a time. Before you know it you will have a show-stopping home, ready for the market!
643 W Roscoe St Unit D1, Chicago, IL 60657